DEBORAH HECK - Higher Education Academy Senior Fellow / ATEA Distinguished Member Professional History: Deborah Heck has been an Associate Professor in the School of Education and Tertiary Access at the University of the Sunshine Coast Australia since 2010 and President of the Australian Teacher Education Association 2020-2022. She is passionate about working with teachers, including those seeking entry to the profession and those exploring how to take the next step and develop their research and practice. Debbie has received eight fellowships, teaching and research awards focussed on teacher education, e-learning, team teaching, equity and diversity and engagement excellence. She has held leadership positions across two universities related to program coordination for secondary teacher education programs and teacher professional development Grad Cert and Master of Education programs and research higher degree programs. Debbie’s teaching is internationally recognised as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Research Interests: In research, Debbie is committed to understanding the emerging problems in teacher education, teaching and higher education practice. She seeks to examine education theory, policy, curriculum, assessment and practice through dialogue and sustainable partnerships. Her work contributes to understanding teacher and teacher educator professionalism, academic agency, teacher identity, agency and self-efficacy, higher education assessment, dialogic teaching and cogenerative inquiry. ATEA History: Debbie has also contributed to the leadership of ATEA, including convening the conference in 2019, and she is one of the inaugural ATEA Springer Book Series Editors for Teacher Education Research – Shaping Practice, Policy and Theory. She has also engaged in similar roles across various associations associated with teacher education and research, including the Australian Science Education Research Association, Australian Association for Environmental Education, Queensland Geography Teachers Association and the Australian Federation of Associations for Studies of Society and Environment. |
MARIE BRENNAN - Honorary Professor / Extraordinary Professor /ATEA Distinguished Member Professional History: I started work as a teacher of Humanities in Technical Schools in Victoria, moved to the Access Skills Project Team to support practitioner research on literacy, then co-led the state’s School Improvement Plan. I worked in policy, on inter-departmental committees, including Youth, before doing my PhD on leave without pay in Madison Wisconsin. I moved to Universities in 1991, starting at Deakin, then Central Queensland, Canberra, University of South Australia and Victoria University, Melbourne, from where I retired early 2016. I am still active in research, doctoral supervision, writing and advocacy work. ATEA History: I first attended a SPATE conference in the early 1980s and started going to ATEA conferences in the 1990s after I moved into the university sector. I have presented papers, including keynotes, at many conferences. As a member of the ACDE Council from 1998-2007, I was active in advocating for Deans to support the Association, conduct their meetings in parallel to the conference, and provide support for teacher education nationally, including in submissions to Parliamentary inquiries. Research Interests: Practitioner research, including teachers and students as researchers, SOTL, Higher education teaching and research, Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies, sociology and politics of education, education policy analysis and decoloniality. Areas of Research: I conduct research in all the above areas of interest. | |
BILL ECKERSLEY - Associate Professor of Teacher Education / ATEA Distinguished Member Professional History: Bill Eckersley was, until his recent retirement, an Associate Professor of Teacher Education in the College of Arts and Education at Victoria University in Melbourne. Bill has extensive teaching experience in Australia and the United States in schools and in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in higher education. His research interests focus on postgraduate student experience; educational partnerships; teaching and learning; organizational culture, social inclusion and educational leadership. He currently supervises a number of postgraduate students who are completing their M Ed, D Ed and PhD degrees. He has led, contributed to and evaluated a range of successful internal and external research projects with industry links to organizations such as the Victorian Institute of Teaching and the Victorian Department of Education and Training. More recently he has been supporting AVID Australia as a staff developer (preservice teachers and teaching professional learning) and innovations coordination (AVID-School-University partnerships). ATEA History: - ATEA Executive Board member/ ATEA Newsletter Editor; ATEA Awards Coordinator (2009-2015)- Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) Fellow Award (July 2015) - Co-Convenor: ATEA Annual Conference, Melbourne (2011) Research Interests: School, Community and University Partnerships; Teaching and Learning; Educational Leadership; Social Inclusion and Student Equity, Professional Development and Professional Learning. Areas of Research: Post graduate research and supervision: Educational Leadership; Teaching and Learning; Organizational Culture; Professional Development and Professional Learning, School-University partnerships. |
JOCE NUTTALL - Professor / ATEA Distinguished Member Professional History: After graduation from the University of Otago and Dunedin College of Education I taught in primary schools in New Zealand and Australia, then from 1987 onwards I taught in early childhood education. I joined Christchurch College of Education as a Senior Lecturer in 1990. I completed my PhD at Victoria University of Wellington in 2004, moving to Monash University the same year then to ACU in 2011. Since 2016 I have been Research Director, Teacher Education, in the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education at Australian Catholic University. Since 2018 I have been a member of the Board of the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. ATEA History: I joined ATEA on my move to Australia to connect with other teacher education researchers. I co-Edited Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education with Professor Suzy Edwards from 2013 to 2016 and was President of ATEA from 2016 to 2018. I also convened ATEA’s 2017 and 2018 conferences. I was made a Fellow of ATEA in 2019. Research Interests: Initial teacher education and continuing professional learning, particularly in early childhood education; early childhood policy and professional practice; cultural-historical activity theory. Areas of Research: Current projects comprise: Leadership for quality improvement in early childhood education; professional learning needs of migrant early childhood educators; early childhood teachers’ work, particularly related to digital disruption Websites: |
SIMONE WHITE - Professor / ATEA Distinguished Member Professional History: Professor Simone White’s education career spans more than thirty years. She has always believed that education is the key to achieving a more socially just society. Her research and scholarly work has focused on how to best prepare an education workforce for diverse contexts and well equipped for the communities they serve. Simone began her career as a Primary school teacher in a small rural community – this experience led her to investigate the best ways to support novice teachers working in diverse contexts. She commenced as a literacy lecturer at Deakin University in 2001 after working in a range of part-time roles at the University of Technology, Sydney and the Australian Catholic University. She later became the Deputy Director for the Centre for Educational Leadership and Renewal and then the Director of Professional Experience at Deakin University. In 2011, she was appointed Professor, Associate Dean and Head of School of Education at the Gippsland Campus, Monash University, later accepting the position of Chair of Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education at Monash University with a leadership role as Academic Head for the Teacher Education, Arts, Language and Professional Learning community. Simone took up the position of Associate Dean (International and Engagement) at the Queensland University of Technology in 2017 now working in diverse areas of education, transdisciplinary partnerships and internationalisation. ATEA History: Professor Simone White joined ATEA in 2001 when she became a lecturer at Deakin University. She has attended every ATEA conference since. Simone became the Secretary for ATEA in 2004 and continued this role until 2010. She became the President of ATEA from 2014-2016 and served as a member of the Executive in various capacities from 2004-2018. Under Simone’s Presidential leadership, the executive and membership supported a move from conference publications to a new ATEA-sponsored book series. Simone also initiated and led the first national education research alliance between ATEA, AARE and ACDE known as Strengthening a research-rich teaching profession. Simone became an ATEA fellow at the Federation University ATEA conference in 2016. Research Interests: Professor Simone White is the Associate Dean (International and Engagement) in the Faculty of Education at Queensland University of Technology. She is a leading expert in teacher education and professional learning and the best ways to prepare teachers for diverse contexts – in particular rural, regional and remote. Her research is focused on the areas of teacher education policy, teacher and teacher educator learning, professional experience and building and maintaining university-school/community partnerships. Simone recently led an Australian government grant focused on improving the preparation of future teachers to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and caregivers. Through her collective work, Simone aims to connect research, policy and practice in ways that bring teachers and school and university based teacher educators together and break down traditional borders between academics, policy makers, communities and practitioners. Areas of Research: Teacher education, teacher and teacher educator professional development, teacher education policy, rural education, school-university-community partnerships.